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It’s now time to enter our fourth journey location, ‘Map’. In this area, we’ll be looking at the different ways on how you can plan and map out the valuable information you need to ensure that nothing is missed and everything is as precise as it needs to be.
It doesn’t matter if your business is just starting up, or you’ve had your business for two-three years, this section of our journey will provide you with some valuable information on how you should be preparing your business by mapping out certain areas to help make it easier for you to identify things internally and externally that could improve your business.
Planning your marketing strategy is as important as implementing it. Preparation is essential!
In this destination:
- 5 Year, 3 Year And 1 Year Planning
- Plan Do Review
- Are Your Goals Realistic? (NEW)
- Setting SMART Goals
- SWOT Analysis
- What is PESTLE Analysis?
- Porter’s Five Forces
- The Marketing Mix – The 7 P’s
- Strategic Plan Templates
- How To Write And Implement A Marketing Plan
- What Is The Decision Making Process For Your Customers?
- What Is Your Product Life Cycle?
- Five Common Reasons Why Start-ups Fail
No matter how long you’ve had your business you’re always going to want to plan ahead and map out your business so it stays on a long and successful journey. Whether you’ve had your business for five years and have 50+ employees or one year and have five employees, you’re all going to be mapping out your business in a similar way.
If you decide you’re going somewhere you’ve never been, you’re not going to gamble on which way to go and chance it, you need to plan your route precisely so you know exactly where you’re going. The same can be said about your business; you must plan, it’s as simple as that. We wouldn’t expect you to start doing your marketing without planning what you are going to do, and when you are going to do it.
No map in place means your business will by unorganised, shrink and eventually cease to exist. Whereas if you plan, you’re confident that your business will constantly grow and develop into the business you have always dreamt it would be.
You have to set goals, conducting both internal and external examinations into how you can better suit your business and the product or service you’re offering towards your audience more efficiently than your competitors.
The first section we’ll be delving into in this destination talks about the different areas of a plan your business will need to implement. We’ll be planning the first year, the third and the fifth of your business and what you should be looking at within each year of development.