Tis the season to be festive! There are some great things you can do to make your team feel stronger and great at this time of year. It’s about having fun as a team. By increasing your teams feeling of worth and happiness, you’ll see an increase in productivity and quality of work.
You don’t want to be the Scrooge boss at this time of year.
What is Secret Santa? Secret Santa is a great way to include the team in the festive tradition of present buying, taking out the awkwardness of who to buy for, and spending a fortune on everyone. (and maybe missing someone out!)
Everyone who wants to get involved puts their names in a hat. Each person then picks out one name.
There’s a limit set, usually between £5-£10, and then everyone gets a present, and you only have to buy one!
Decorate the office
Deck those halls, with boughs of holly!
By decorating the office you get people in a festive mood. As a team, you can take 15 minutes where you all put the decorations up. It means you all work as a team to make the office look fun.
Dress the part
Those ugly festive jumpers have come back into fashion. And in full force. The uglier the better, and they’re fairly easy to get hold of and relatively cheap.
So why not set a day where the whole team come in Christmas Jumpers. You could do it and raise money for a charity of your choice? Oh! And don’t forget to get a team photo! It’ll make for great content on your social media!
Go out for a team lunch
One day, everyone goes out for lunch together. And ban the work talk.
Take the time to get to know people, and get out of the office for an hour. Set the phone to answer machine and just enjoy the lunch as a team. You could go for a festive menu, or just to the local pub for some scran.
But make sure you make it not a working lunch. Everyone needs some downtime.
Doing this in your business has a huge range of benefits, it creates a culture that will entice better employees into your business without having to pay more, it puts existing employees into a better mood and will overall increase productivity, and improves overall morale in the company. This can work for companies with a few employees and it can work for companies with only a couple. Try it out this year and have a bit of fun in the office. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
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