How To Improve Your Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is the key to beating procrastination, follow the steps below, beat procrastination, and get more done.

Start on a set date

Researchers have found that setting a date to mark when you start work results in you being more likely to follow through on your goals. Just make sure you’re not setting that date too far in the future so it never gets done. Similarly, don’t push back that date and don’t change that date for anything.

Hide temptations

If your desk is full of distractions and temptations hiding them will reduce your need to indulge in them. You will be more focused on the job at hand and will complete it faster without any distractions. This technique can also be used by shutting your office door or by putting earphones in and playing non-distracting music.

Weigh up your options

When you’re tempted by not doing work or by favouring something you want to do over something you don’t want to do but need to do, you need to weigh up all of your options and determine what’s best. Making an instant decision will always point to the easier option for you, not the best option.

Use visual reminders

Keep organised visual reminders around your desk. This can be post-it notes, a to-do list, or a potential client’s business card. Use something that will remind you about something you need to do, as this constant reminder will make sure you don’t forget to do the job and you do the job earlier rather than later.

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