Quality Over Quantity When Writing Content

When you publish more content, not only is it good for your customers but Google absolutely loves it and it can increase where your website is positioned in the rankings.

When you have a website, you need to ensure that you’re producing quality content on a weekly basis. It’s no good producing shed loads of content when the quality of it is poor, search engines can recognise if the content is poor which means that your website ranking won’t improve. When you’re thinking about creating content, you need to ensure that it actually provides valuable information to your readers so your website can glide to the top of the rankings. Not only that though, but you need to think about what the search engines want to see.

Quality over quantity. Write long form quality content instead of tons of short form content.

If you or someone in your business publishes a lot of content and the quality is slipping, it may be time to have a look at your analytics.

Check your bounce rates and your time on site statistics. Are people interacting with your content? Or are they taking off after a few seconds? Is it gaining any popularity on social? Or is it falling completely flat?

Identify your issues

You need to identify the issues and correct them quickly, otherwise, the people you had reading your content won’t be around for much longer. You may find that the content that gets the most attention is the bigger, meatier pieces that you post once a week rather than those quick, small posts you write every day. You may want to reanalyse your strategy and see whether or not it’s worth leaving the smaller pieces and spending much more time on the larger, more popular pieces.

Each business is completely different in terms of content and you need to identify what type of content your customers and target audience desire. You need your content to be relevant so you’re able to keep them engaged and interested in your business. If you don’t then you’ll receive fewer readers and your target audience will go elsewhere.

Keep it simple!

A simple blog post that is often disregarded among businesses is answering the most asked questions. It doesn’t always have to be 1000+ words, you could create a blog that answers all of the questions that your business is constantly being asked to those who are asking the questions are able to find the answer in a simple, yet engaging blog post.

If you’re consistently producing quality content on a weekly basis, then the search engines will take notice and your website will begin climbing the ladder and eventually be where you want it to be, on the front page of Google!

November 5, 2018

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