YPS Award Win Celebrated at London Dinner Event!

Team YPS enjoyed a fantastic opportunity to relive their stunning triple award take-home on Thursday night, 1st November, in real style!

Hosted by worldwide accountancy firm Mazars, YPS and the other family business champions from across the UK were wined and dined in the spectacular glass-fronted setting of Tower Bridge House, overlooking Tower Bridge and the Tower of London against the backdrop of the twinkling city skyline at night.

Family Business Place, organisers of the National Family Business Awards (which are now in their 10th year) arranged the evening in conjunction with Mazars to celebrate their chosen winning businesses of 2018. As winners of three categories, two for the North East region and one national category, the event would not have been complete without YPS!

The line-up for the evening involved a speech from Family Business Place’s M.D. Amalia Brightley-Gillott on the importance of family businesses to the UK economy, followed by a delectable three-destination dinner, a presentation from entrepreneur and CEO of The British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation company Damien Walters and ended with an opportunity for networking with the other winners and charitable sponsors.

Olivia Routledge, YPS marketing manager commented; ‘What a wonderful evening shared with like-minded people! We’ve made some brilliant connections from other family businesses in a huge range of industries tonight, but the highlight was watching the footage of our award wins from this summer. Thanks for our invitation Family Business Place!’

The National Family Business Awards 2019 open for entries in January – here’s hoping that YPS will be celebrating more prizes next November!

November 8, 2018

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