Ad Of The Month May – Prostate Cancer UK

It’s that time of the month for Passport 2 Success where we try and find the best ad of the month. This month, we’ve been looking at some of the May ads and trying to find one which is a worthy winner.

If you haven’t seen our previous ad of the month, you can find it here.

Our previous winner was Burger King with their comical x-ray ads showing how big their Whopper burgers were and how they actually injured people’s jaws. The marketing team over at Burger King are doing a fantastic job with their ads recently and have chosen to go down the comical route which is working extremely well.

Back to this month and we think we’ve picked a good one this month. This is one of the very few where we’ve all agreed that it has a well-deserved place as our ad of the month. Our ad of the month for May is Prostate Cancer UK | Men, We Are With You.

Toxic masculinity has brought discussion recently with marketers trying to find the best way to talk about men with a voice that’s positive whilst acknowledging their flaws and fragility of gender raised to be dismissive of flaws and fragility.

The Gillette ad certainly became a talking point about how men have abused their social powers and how they could become better. Unfortunately, it did come across more as a lecture, which is a shame because we thought that the ad, if done correctly, could have really hit the right note in regards to men and what’s acceptable. But we do have to commend them for trying to push this conversation to the forefront rather than ignoring it.

However, Prostate Cancer UK has created a fantastic ad which portrays how loving and kind men can be, whilst also showing how vulnerable their can be, both emotionally and physically.

You can see the ad here:

At the end of the ad, it mentions how one man dies every 45 minutes from prostate cancer. It really is a great ad by Prostate Cancer UK and shows the importance for men to ensure that they regularly get their prostate checked.

Olivia Burns, the Director of Communications at Prostate Cancer UK said: “By celebrating everything great about men, and highlighting the special moments we will lose if our dads, brothers, sons and partners continue to die early from prostate cancer, we want everyone to know that Prostate Cancer UK stands with men and for men.”

On behalf of everyone here at Passport 2 Success, we want to give Prostate Cancer UK a huge congrats on producing a fantastic ad.


May 20, 2019

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